Week 4: Let the Light Lead you Home

In Seattle, it has rained nearly all weekend and dusk still arrives promptly at 4:15 p.m. each evening—punctual in a way I aspire to be. Nevertheless, a change has come. We might not feel it yet, but as of yesterday, we’ve collectively passed through the darkest night and are gently tiptoeing toward more light. Little by little, the light is returning, and our days will begin to hold more.

Our ancestors celebrated this cosmic rhythm which reminds us to continue in the sacred act of waiting. I didn’t realize Winter Solstice was coming this weekend until it was upon us so it feels no accident that Kim Goode’s reflection this week speaks of letting the light lead us. A special gift she has offered us, perfectly timed, to prepare us for the birth of Christ in Jesus—and the birth of God within us.

Thank you for journeying with us this Advent season. Kim and I have been so moved by your emails and reflections on how this offering has helped you come home to yourself. Please keep them coming! We love to hear from you.

May the growing light of these final days of Advent and beyond fill your heart and the spaces you’ll gather in with love and hope.

Peace and every good,



Week 3 of Advent: Community as Home